Succeeded to make 75 candidates pass with 25 best candidates
New classes are running smoothly
- Classes taken by authorized personnel and ex Cadets
- One hour of physical training and preparation class of two hours, in daily basis
- Each Saturday all exams of selection are taken
- Special discounts available for groups
- Free daily model exam and feedback classes
- Supporting class is available for weak students
- Five set books for each are provided freely
- Hostel also available for needy
- +2 Pass
Examination Scheme:
Subject | Type | Total Marks |
IQ | Objective | 60 Marks |
GK | Objective | 100 Marks |
Nepali | Objective:Subjective(20:80) | 100 Marks |
English | Objective:Subjective(20:80) | 100 Marks |
Math | Objective:Subjective(20:80) | 100 Marks |
Total Marks | 460 Marks |
Events for Physical fitness test
Male | Female |
Sit Up – 15 times | Sit up – 8 times |
Push Up – 10 times | Push Up – 5 times |
Chin Up – 3 times | |
300 m race to be completed in 55 seconds | 300 m race to be completed in 65 seconds |
2 mile race to be completed in 16 mins | 2 mile race to be completed in 21 mins |